Get in touch with us.
Applicants for grants are encouraged to submit an application setting out the details of the proposed project, the costings and how they intend to measure the public benefit. All organisations that are funded by MKF are required to provide reports and clearly quantify the public benefit achieved. Second or third year grants to the same projects are dependent on satisfactory reporting. MKF is a solely grant making charity and does not organise or participate in projects directly.
The decision on which applicants are successful is taken by the trustees having regard to grant criteria and in particular on the measurable public benefit and the number of potential users reached. All projects must be free at the point of use to all participants. To date, the MKF has funded a number projects that strive to provide these opportunities whilst fostering a culture of learning and inclusion.
To make an application, please complete our submission form and send any additional details or supporting documents to the email below.